
Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, the Chair-elect, and the three most immediate past-chairs of NEDHO. These individuals assist the officers of the Organization in the decision making process, selection of nominees for offices in NEDHO, and provide a "corporate memory" for the operation of NEDHO. Terms of service on the Executive Committee are for five years with the most senior "past-chair" rotating off the Committee and a new "past-chair" coming on the Committee at the end of the NEDHO summer meeting.


NEDHO has three officers, a Chair, a Chair-elect, and a Treasurer. These three officers are assisted by an Executive Committee. Primary duties and responsibilities of the officers are delineated below.


The Chair is responsible for representing NEDHO and serves as the official spokesperson for the Organization. Where possible, the Chair conducts all meetings of NEDHO and prepares the agenda for the NEDHO meetings. The Chair serves for a one-year term after having served as Chair-elect for the previous year. Terms of office are approximately one year in length and are normally tied to the summer meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS).


The Chair-elect assists the Chair as necessary and also serves as the Secretary of the Organization. As Secretary, the Chair-elect is responsible for recording and producing the minutes of the NEDHO meetings. In addition, the Chair-elect may represent NEDHO and/or conduct NEDHO meetings in the absence of the Chair.


The Treasurer is responsible for distributing dues notices, collecting the dues payments, disbursing funds on behalf of NEDHO, and reporting on the financial status of the organization at each NEDHO meeting. The Treasurer serves a three-year term and may be re-elected.


Elections for the position of Chair-elect are held during the academic year with change in office occurring at the end of the summer NEDHO meeting. The slate of nominees, which shall include more than one nominee, is agreed upon by the Executive Committee after the winter NEDHO meeting and the Chair conducts an e-mail ballot of all eligible NEDHO members. Results of the balloting are announced prior to the summer NEDHO meeting. 

Election of the treasurer will be held every three years and will follow the same process as prescribed for the Chair-elect.


Each NEDHO member program is responsible for paying dues on an annual frequency. Dues are $50 per year for individual members who must personally support their membership. For those institutions which will pay the membership dues, the suggested annual dues are $100 in order to assist the Organization. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to distribute dues notices, collect the dues payments, make payments on behalf of NEDHO, and give a report at each NEDHO meeting.


NEDHO meetings are normally held in conjunction with meetings of the American Nuclear Society. The meetings are open to anyone but on matters brought before NEDHO which require a vote, each institution is limited to a single official representative (i.e., one vote).